Vonesper Studios

Vonesper Studios + Vampirefreaks.Com

Vonesper Studios has been working with alternative social media site Vampirefreaks.Com since 2009 (even before we were Vonesper Studios).  Vonesper Studios has had the pleasure of covering and creating post-promotion content for their numerous events over the years including Cybertron, Halloween Massacre, Triton Festival, Exile and Dark Side of the Con.

Vonesper Studios and Vampirefreaks has worked with an extensive amount of alternative performers, bands and DJs including (but not limited to): The Birthday Massacre, Emilie Autumn, Black Veil BridesCombichristBILEThe Dreaming (Stabbing Westward), Vincent CastigliaVonesperAesthetic PerfectionAngelspitCruxshadowsJustin SymbolGod ModuleFaderheadCelldwellerVelvet Acid Christ VACLudovico TechniqueTerrorfaktclan of xymoxCovenant (OFFICIAL)Official Assemblage 23Hanzel und Gretyl (Official)Icon of Coil OfficialAceySladePsyclon NineKayvon ZandFGFC820NACHTMAHRCausticAyriaEgo LikenessGRENDELModulatePanic LiftCYLABVenus In AriesImperative ReactionLife CriedThe Rain WithinAnti-MechanismSYSTEM SYNMindless FaithMyparasitesXentrifuge, Dan Sperry Anti-Conjuror, PUi, Interface, The Labrynth, Esoterik, Dope Stars Inc, The Rabid Whole, Alter Der Ruine, Unter Null, London After Midnight, Dawn of Ashes, Deadstar Assembly, [;SITD;], The Witch Was Right, Espermachine, Everything Goes Cold, No Longer Human, iVardensphere, Surgyn, ESA, W.A.S.T.E. and The Coney Island Freakshow.

In addition to event coverage, Vonesper Studios has also captured and edited successfully funded fundraising campaign videos for Vampirefreaks products such as a mobile app, a hair dye line, and a vampire web-TV show.  We also created episodes of the Vampirefreaks.com web TV show "The Freak Show."  

Dive into our archive of work below and enjoy!

Special Projects and Web TV:

Vampirefreaks Events 2015-2017:

Vampirefreaks Events 2014:

Vampirefreaks Events 2013:

Vampirefreaks Events 2012:

Vampirefreaks Events 2010-2011:

Behind the Scenes Photos: